2025年新卒採用 募集要項
2025 New Graduate Hiring - Application Guidelines
2025年新卒採用 募集要項
2025 New Graduate Hiring - Application Guidelines
・エフェクトに必要な素材、及びデータの作成(モデル、テクスチャ、マテリアル、パーティクル等) ・エフェクト制作におけるツールの研究 ・ゲームソフトウエアの企画提案(全員共通) ・その他、ゲームを面白くする開発業務の全て!(全員共通)
・ゲームに限らず、何らかのビジュアルエフェクトの制作経験 ・DCCツールを使用した簡単なモデルの作成スキル ・DCCツールを使用したエフェクトに使用するテクスチャの作成スキル ・円滑な日本語でのコミュニケーション能力(母国語が日本語ではない場合、日本語能力試験N2レベル以上または同等の日本語でのコミュニケーション能力が望ましい)
・Houdini等、流体シミュレーションを使用したリアルタイムエフェクトの制作経験 ・エフェクトに使用するシェーダーに関する知識、制作経験 ・英語でのコミュニケーション能力
・ゲームのVFX制作においてトップレベルのクオリティを追求し続ける情熱を持っている方 ・制作時に発生する様々な課題を発見し、他セクションと協力して解決していく事を積極的に行える方 ・エフェクトに限らず、ゲーム全般に興味を持ちアイディア出しや提案を積極的に出来る方 ・ゲーム制作という流動的な開発業務を、柔軟性と忍耐力をもってポジティブに行える方 ・新しい技術やアイデアに対して常に興味、関心を持ち、それらを取り入れ活用する対応力がある方 ・自発的に行動ができる積極性のある方 ・とにかくゲームが好きな方!
Tango Gameworks (ゲーム開発スタジオ)
サトコ ソフィア マロイ
・ゼニマックス・メディア(ZeniMax Media Inc.)
米国の親会社ゼニマックス・メディア・インクの日本法人がゼニマックス・アジア(株)です。ゲーム開発スタジオ Tango Gameworks と、ゲーム・パブリッシング部門 Bethesda Softworks- Japan がその拠点を置いています。
・Tango Gameworks
『Hi-Fi RUSH』、『Ghostwire:Tokyo』、『サイコブレイク』シリーズ等を手掛ける、ゲームの企画・開発スタジオです。精鋭のクリエイター達が、自由闊達な開発環境でユニークなオリジナル作品を日本から世界に発信しています!
コリン マック
・大学院・大学・短大・高専・専門学校の卒業者 ・学科・学部不問 ・留学生歓迎
備考:2024年7月1日以降~2025年6月末までに入社可能な方を「Class of 2025」としていますので、秋卒業の方なども応募可能です
② 志望動機(志望職種を記載のこと)
③ 作品(企画書、ポートフォリオ、動画等) 等のアウトプット ■VFXデザイナー→動画必須
ご応募頂いた方には、全員、合否結果の通知を致します。 ・応募書類・作品については返却いたしておりません。 ・作品に関するフィードバック等は業務の都合上難しいので、予めご了承ください。
完全年俸制 364万円(2023年卒組実績) ・年俸には月45時間分の固定残業代が含まれます。 ・月45時間を超えて残業した場合には超過残業手当を支給します ・年俸で提示しますが、12分の1ずつ月額給与として支給します。 ・基本給及び業務手当(固定残業代分の名称)に分かれます。
月額 :303,334(基本給 225,630円/業務手当 77,704円)
・年俸額は 3,640,000円と記載をしておりますが、303,334円 ×12か月分の支払となり、端数は会社負担です。(新卒2023年4月実績)
・試用期間 6カ月
正社員枠ですが、下記ご理解の程よろしくお願い致します。 ・入社時/試用期間相当中は有期雇用契約書を締結します。 ・6カ月経過後、契約延長もしくは正社員登用を致します
・年次有給休暇 初年度4月入社:10日 ・パーソナル休暇:最大年5日(入社月により按分あり) ・ウエルネス休暇:最大年5日(入社月により按分あり) ・各種特別休暇(結婚、忌引等)
VFX designers create the visual effects seen in the game, including environmental effects and character actions, as well as unique effects used in cinematic scenes. This encompasses the full cycle of asset creation, starting with initial design and moving through creation, implementation, optimization, and debugging work.
・Create the necessary materials and data for VFX (models, textures, materials, particles, etc.) ・Study tools used for effect creation ・Create and submit ideas for games (everyone can do this) ・Do everything you can to make our games fun and interesting! (everyone can do this)
・Experience creating visual effects (not restricted to games) ・The ability to make simple models with DCC tools ・The ability to make textures used for effects with DCC tools ・Fluent Japanese communication skills (if not a native speaker of Japanese, at least JLPT N2 or equivalent communication ability preferred)
・Experience creating realtime effects using fluid simulation (Houdini, etc.) ・Knowledge of and/or experience creating shaders used for effects ・English communication skills
・Someone with the drive to create top-level VFX for our games ・Someone who can identify problems during asset creation, then proactively work with other sections to resolve them ・Someone with a deep interest in games and the drive to proactively make proposals and suggestions, not restricted to just VFX ・Someone who can approach the ever-changing dynamics of game development with flexibility, endurance, and a positive outlook ・Someone with interest in and a passion for the newest techniques and ideas being used in the industry, and the ability to implement these developments into their own work ・Someone who is proactive and can identify and complete tasks on their own ・Above all, someone who loves games!
Visual effects is an important section whose work determines the final determination of quality for a game's visuals.
Manipulate ever-shifting natural effects like fire, smoke, lighting, water droplets, etc, control the game world's atmosphere, bring to life characters' attacks with magic effects and shockwaves... creating believable effects, even if they could never exist in the real world, is an enjoyable experience that can only be enjoyed by a VFX designer.
Can you create a landscape that the user wants to stand and take in? Attacks that they'll want to use over and over just to look at them? Magic effects so compelling that they'll take damage just to see them? Effects can add a new dimension to many different parts of a game.
Tango Gameworks (Game Development Studio)
ZeniMax Asia K.K.
Microsoft Corporation / ZeniMax Media Inc.
IT / Information Processing / Software / Game Development and Sales
Tokyo-to Minato-ku Shibaura 4-2-8 Sumitomo Fudosan Mita Twin Bldg. 6F
*The Japanese arm does not have a separate homepage.
Satoko Sophia Malloy
・ZeniMax Media Inc.
Founded in 1999 with its headquarters in the US, the ZeniMax group is a world leader in game development and publishing. It boasts development studios in 13 countries around the world, including Japan, and also includes Bethesda Softworks, a publisher who has released many games beloved by multiple generations of gamers.
・ZeniMax Asia K.K.
The Japanese arm of American parent company ZeniMax Media Inc., ZeniMax Asia K.K. encapsulates game developer Tango Gameworks as well as the publisher Bethesda Softworks - Japan.
・Tango Gameworks
A game design and development studio with works including Hi-Fi RUSH, Ghostwire: Tokyo, and the The Evil Within series. An elite team of creators working in a freeform environment who deliver unique original titles from Japan to the whole world!
January, 2008
Colin Mack
30,000,000 JPY
105 (As of March 1, 2024)
Same as Company Address
The Evil Within 2
The Evil Within
・Degree from a graduate program, undergraduate program, two-year college, technical school, or vocational school required ・Any major is welcome to apply ・Study-abroad students are welcome to apply
Note: Students graduating between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025 are considered "Class of 2025," so those graduating in the autumn are welcome to apply.
Direct personal applications as well as introductions from a school are accepted.
Please fill out the following form:
Form URL https://forms.office.com/r/CPeft493af
① Screening of application materials
② Interviews (generally 2-3 times)
・Depending on circumstances, these can take the form of casual conversations
・Programmers might need to undergo a basic skills test
・We might request additional portfolio samples
The same documents are required for all sections (open format)
① Resume
② CV (explain which section you're applying to and why)
③ Sample of your work (design document, portfolio, video, etc.) ■A sample video is required for VFX designers.
Applications are always open. There are no particular deadlines, so take the time you need to prepare materials to introduce yourself properly, then send everything to us.
Screening and interviews do not have a fixed schedule, and are done whenever an applicant submits their application materials.
We send notification of application results, whether positive or negative, to all applicants. ・We are unable to return application materials to the applicant. ・For professional reasons we are unable to provide feedback regarding samples of applicants' work. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Yearly salary of 3,640,000 JPY (based on 2023 graduate hiring)
・Salary includes 45 hours of overtime per month.
・Overtime allowance is paid for any overtime in a month in excess of 45 hours.
・Yearly salary is paid in 12 monthly installments of 1/12 each.
・Salary is divided into base pay and service allowance (comprising the included 45 hours overtime pay).
[Example Calculation]
・Monthly pay: 303,334 (Base pay 225,630 + service allowance 77,704 JPY)
・Yearly salary is counted as 3,640,000 JPY but is calculated as 303,334 x 12 months with small differences due to rounding being paid out in the employee's favor (based on 2023 graduate hiring)
・Probationary period of 6 months
・Probationary period work requirements: Same as regular employee requirements
Regular employee, with the following caveats: ・At the time of hiring, and during the probationary period, employees sign a fixed-term employment contract. ・After 6 months, the contract is either renewed or the employee is promoted to regular employee.
Transportation allowance (up to 50,000 JPY per month)
Depending on company performance
Employee performance and compensation are reconsidered on a yearly basis.
Based on the Japanese calendar
Operating hours: 10:00-19:00
Flex time (core time 11:00-16:00)
Saturdays, Sundays, Japanese national holidays, as well as the New Year holiday (December 29-January 3)
・No fewer than 120 days off per year
・Yearly paid vacation days for the first year if starting in April: 10 days ・Personal days: up to 5 days (reduced proportionally for the first year depending on start date) ・Wellness days: up to 5 days (reduced proportionally for the first year depending on start date) ・Various special vacation types (marriage, mourning, etc.)
(Common to all group companies)
Compensation for inviting new employees, length-of-service awards, game library (for Bethesda/Xbox game studio employees)
(Japan-specific benefits)
Shakai Hoken (health insurance, retirement, unemployment insurance, worker's compensation insurance), Japanese 401k, discounts for various leisure and other services, employee support programs (counseling, etc.), various intra-company events
Our motto is "learn on the job while making games!"
We support employees as necessary with the required materials (books, etc.) as well as by sending them to seminars and other avenues of continuing education.
Casual dress code
End of Application Guidelines
As of March 1, 2024